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Astro Landing Page

An Astro + Tailwind CSS starter kit for landing pages.



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Astro Landing Page is a template project for building a responsive landing page with Astro and Tailwind CSS.

User Experience

Astro Landing Page achieves top scores (100) on PageSpeed Insights in the categories Accessibility, Best Practices & SEO and a near-perfect score for Performance.

It also provides motion-reduce and JavaScript-disabled variants.


Astro Landing Page uses Tailwind CSS to provide a solid foundation for rapid and versatile styling. On top of that, it also ships a set of CSS variables for defining semantic color names and adding dark mode support.


Besides adapting its layout to the available viewport, Astro Landing Page also ships with responsive images (via @astrojs/image) and fluid typography.

...And More

Astro Landing Page includes several additional features, such as Open Graph tags for social media sharing, an Astro Prettier setup and easy access to thousands of icons via astro-icon / Iconify.